Hardwood Flooring: Signs It’s Time to Replace It

October 15, 2020by LV Flooring0

Many Canadian homeowners prefer hardwood floors to other flooring types because of the many advantages they have. Hardwood flooring is a good investment as it lasts much longer than most other floor types. However, caring for and maintaining the floors regularly makes them last longer. Sometimes, the floors need replacing, and there are signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. 

When you see one or more of these signs, you must immediately know your hardwood flooring needs some attention. Some signs are more obvious than others, so you must look closely to detect them. This article helps in that regard as it will help you in answering the question, “Is it time to replace my hardwood flooring?” 

What is Hardwood Flooring? 

It is a popular choice for most homeowners when it comes to floor surface covering materials. Hardwood flooring has existed for many centuries, and this is due to its many advantages. Aside from its functional versatility and unique beauty, it also bestows a characteristic natural charm to your home. 

Hardwood flooring is harvested from special trees with slow growth rates. The slow pace of the tree’s growth confers a dense property on the wood. Hence, hardwoods last longer and are more durable than other wood types. With this, they require less maintenance than other wood and floor types. 

Considerations for Hardwood Flooring Designs

Having been in existence for many centuries, hardwood flooring hardly ever goes out of style. No matter the era the world is in, hardwood flooring has withstood all changes in design and style. This goes a long way to show that it never gets old in aesthetics, look, or feel. Most people who choose hardwood flooring for their homes do so because of their properties. 

Each plank, board, or strip of wood used for every hardwood floor is unique, having its own natural art, pattern, and colour. Hence, each new hardwood floor installation is different from the next. With time, the wood begins to change, and while doing so, it picks up dents or scratches. With each scratch, the wood flooring will have a personality or characteristic unique to it. 

Homeowners with large open spaces usually prefer wood flooring to other flooring types. This is due to the grains and patterns unique to every wood flooring surface. These grains and patterns distort the monopoly of the room, giving it a unique design. 

Considerations for Hardwood Flooring Designs

How Much Can I Buy Hardwood Flooring in Canada?

The cost of hardwood flooring varies significantly from one wood species to another. It is always best to buy from reputable companies. These companies sell only long-lasting materials of the best quality. The best quality wood types usually take a more extended period to grow and may cost more due to scarcity. 

However, buying hardwood flooring for your home or office is an investment you will never regret. The materials will last you for many generations. It is also easy to maintain and will last even longer when properly cared for. 

For the cost, hardwood flooring prices range from $1 to about $15 per square foot. These prices are dependent on many factors which cannot now be discussed as it is not the focus of this article. 

After buying and using hardwood flooring for your home or office, ensure you maintain it while using. Yes, this flooring type is suitable and has its many advantages, but lack of proper care and maintenance will reduce its longevity. With time, changes begin to occur on your hardwood flooring. 

You then find yourself asking, “Should I replace my hardwood flooring? What are the signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring? The next sections of this article will answer your questions. 

Related article: Refinishing vs. Replacing Hardwood Floors: Which is Best?

How to Tell If Your Hardwood Floors Need Replacement

As earlier stated, regular maintenance of your hardwood flooring ensures it lasts longer. If you do that, you avoid spending more money to replace or refinish your flooring. However, there will come a time when it becomes necessary to replace your hardwood flooring with new ones. 

Hardwood flooring may get badly damaged sometimes, leaving you with no other option but to replace it. These damages affect your floor’s structural integrity. It also makes the flooring lose its beauty and appeal. Here are some common signs that show you need to replace your hardwood flooring: 



Many things can lead to your hardwood flooring’s discoloration. These discolorations, when they appear, are signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. Some of the most common discolorations include the appearance of black or gray colours. Some hardwood flooring may also begin to fade in colour. 

Colour fading in hardwood flooring occurs mostly when the floor is exposed to sunlight. It is quite challenging to refinish a discoloured flooring, meaning your only option is to replace the floor. 

Water Damage

If you expose your hardwood floors to water for an extended period, they become warped, stained, or damaged. These exposures to water may be because you are exposed to flooding or have plumbing issues. Whatever be the cause, it is important to clean up the water in time before it causes damage to your wood flooring. 

The earlier the water gets cleared, the lesser the damage caused to your flooring. These damages are mostly irreversible, no matter the types of hardwood floors affected. Hence, you will be left with no choice than to replace your wood flooring. 

Water Damage

Multiple Scratch Surfaces

A nasty scratch may result in you having to replace your hardwood flooring entirely. When the scratches become too excessive, then they are signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. You may want to, in this case, refinish the entire room completely. 

However, it may be more cost-effective for you to replace the entire flooring. When you do this, you get to choose new hardwood flooring designs that you will enjoy for many years. You will also get to select wood flooring of the best quality. 

Multiple Refinishes

When your hardwood flooring undergoes multiple finishes to repair damaged parts, it may be best to save costs by replacing it. These finishes usually involve staining and sanding. These processes lead to the structural compromisation of the flooring. This is because the wood gets thinned out, making it more probable to scratch. 

Therefore, multiple refinishes of your hardwood flooring is one of the signs it’s time to replace it. The things that cause you to refinish your wood also lead to replacement. Hence, when you refinish many times, it is best just to replace the entire flooring. 

Nails Are Sticking Out of Your Hardwood Floor

One of the signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring is when nails begin to stick out of them. You don’t want a nail pricking you or sticking out of your flooring. These nails, when exposed, cause an unattractive sight. They can also cause pain to you and your loved ones. 

Exposed nails on hardwood flooring are expected in parts of the home with high activities. These include your living room, entry area, or kitchen. When these nail sightings become all too common, then you may just need to replace your flooring.
Nails Are Sticking Out

Your Hardwood Flooring is Experiencing Severe Wear and Tear

Many people prefer using hardwood floors for their flooring because of the durability of hardwood floors. Besides the beautiful hardwood designs, they also stand the test of time. However, these floors begin to age with time. When that happens, they begin to show signs of wear and tear. 

These signs are more noticeable in places of higher activity levels. First, you will begin to observe stains on the wood floor. Stains that fade away can easily be refinished. 

However, stains can lead to severe issues like splintered or warped wood. When this occurs, it shows that it may just be time to replace your hardwood flooring. 

When Your Floorboards Begin to Creak or Move

Creaking or moving floorboards are one of the tell-tale signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. When you walk through parts of your home and hear creaking sounds, you have to check the hardwood flooring. A creaking floorboard is a sign that the woods in your flooring are rubbing against one another. It means the wood flooring is ageing or a case of structural integrity being compromised. 

A moving floorboard is also a sign of water damage or foundational cracks. If you observe your hardwood flooring is dipping or moving more often, it means there may be an underlying structural issue. 

You May Just Want Something New

Sometimes people just decide to change their hardwood flooring even when it is in good condition. This may be because they want new hardwood flooring designs or just want a refreshing look. Whatever the case may be, it is good to always go for the best quality. 

When you buy hardwood floors in Canada, ensure you buy only the best quality at all times. Buy from only trusted manufacturers. Hardwood flooring comes in many varieties. Ensure you get one that matches your style and personality.

Your Hardwood Floors Are Infested with Bugs and Pests

When you discover there are bugs and pests within your hardwood floors, it may just be time to replace them. Replacing affected areas quickly prevents the infestation from spreading to other areas of the house. These bugs and pests cause too much damage to your flooring. Hence you must rid your household of them by replacing the affected floors. 

Structural Instability

This is one of the biggest, if not the most prominent signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. When you walk and the floorboard move beneath your feet, it means it is beyond repair. Besides replacing your hardwood floors, your subfloor also needs fixing. Refinishing the hardwood flooring will not solve the problem in any way. 

You Have a Leaking Ceiling

Leaking Ceiling

One of the signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring is a leaking ceiling. You may be wondering what business the ceiling has to do with your flooring. Leaking ceilings show your ceiling subfloor has incurred some damages. It is advisable to examine the affected area and fix it immediately. 

If you do not fix the problem, the leaks will get worse and damage the subfloor. When this happens, it poses an even greater danger to your hardwood floors. They become exposed to moisture during rainfalls.  Accumulated moisture causes problems for your flooring, leaving you with no choice but to replace it. 

The Stains on Your Hardwood Floors are Stuck

You may notice stains on your hardwood flooring that never go off no matter what you do. The longer these stains persist, the more difficult it becomes to remove them. Having too many of these stains leave your hardwood flooring designs looking unattractive. Hence, when you have too many of such stains, you may need to replace your flooring. 

Your Hardwood Flooring Style is Outdated 

Sometimes the only reason you may have to change your hardwood flooring is an outdated hardwood flooring design. It is just aesthetics, but you want what you want. It is good to try out some of the latest styles available to give your home a refreshing look and feel. New hardwood floors work many wonders for your home’s aesthetics.  

You’ve Made Some Lifestyle Changes

Sometimes, lifestyle changes may cause you to want to replace your hardwood flooring. It could be that you have more people in your home. Hence, you go for wood floors of higher quality to effectively handle the new traffic flow. If that is the case, you must go for hardwood floors that are durable and structurally sound. 

You Want to Sell Your Home

If you are looking to sell your home, the quality of your hardwood flooring designs could be a factor for success. Worn out floors can be a turnoff for potential buyers. Hence, you may have no choice but to replace the floors to lure buyers. When you do this, you may just ensure you sell your home at the right price.  

Buckling or Sagging of your Hardwood Floors

When your hardwood begins to sag or buckle, it is a sign it needs replacing. Sagging shows there may be weak spots in your flooring. These weak spots get worse with time and may mean your floor is no longer able to handle the traffic in your home. Quickly replacing the wood floors helps to maintain the structural integrity of your subfloor. 

Your Home and Floors Show Signs of Mould

Sometimes mould can be the reason you have to replace your flooring. Though mould is occasionally visible, there are some you may not even see at all. These moulds can hide in your subfloors, within walls, and in attics. 

Moulds are dangerous and can cause harm when untreated. If you notice you or your loved one is falling ill often without reason, the problem can just be mould. Moulds can be cleaned, but only professional help can handle the situation when they spread too far. 

Some of the indications of mould include wallpaper bubbles, dark spots on floors, or a constant musty smell. These are signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. 

How to Care and Maintain Hardwood Flooring

Care and Maintain Hardwood Flooring

Your hardwood flooring will show signs of wear after a long period of use. When it begins to show these signs depends on several factors. One such factor is your family’s size and lifestyle. However, if you practice some precautions and maintain your flooring, it will last even longer. 

Some tips to follow to ensure the longevity of your hardwood flooring include: 

  • Do not mop your hardwood flooring with steam or water. 
  • Never use cleaners that have to be mixed with water when cleaning your floors. 
  • Keep the paws and nails of your pets trimmed and dirt free. 
  • Vacuum or sweep your floors daily to maintain hardwood flooring design. Use vacuum cleaners with brush head types. Also, ensure the vacuum cleaner wheels won’t damage your flooring. 
  • Remove any spills on the hardwood floor by using recommended floor cleaners. 
  • Make use of protective pads underneath furniture legs to reduce dents and scratches.
  • Make use of protective plywood sheets when you want to move heavy furniture or objects in your home. 
  • Use a humidifier so that you prevent your hardwood floors from shrinking excessively. 
  • You can maintain the right humidity levels by using an air conditioner or a dehumidifier. Turning on your heating systems in the summer months when there are extended periods of high humidity is also advisable. 
  • Prevent your hardwood flooring from being exposed to the sun’s rays. Solar radiation increases the oxidation of your wood floors. Hence, it makes it age faster, leading to staining or discoloration. 
  • You can prevent uneven ageing by changing the positions of your rugs or furniture periodically. 
  • Avoid wearing spike-heeled shoes, or damaged heels on the wood floors. Remove them before you walk on the floor. If you don’t do these, you cause scratching of your wooden surfaces. Too many surface scratches reduce the beauty of your hardwood flooring designs. 
  • Ensure you keep dirt, sand, grease, grit, and oil off your hardwood flooring. One way you can achieve this is by using mats that trap dirt when you walk. 
  • Only buy hardwood flooring from trusted manufacturers who only sell the best quality. 
  • Ensure you buy wood floors with a warranty. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Hardwood Floors

Here are the important answers you need?

How much do hardwood floors cost?

Depending on the quality, a square foot of hardwood flooring will cost between $1 to $10. Besides the quality, the costs also vary based on wood thickness, grade, and species. 

How long do Hardwood Floors last?

When it comes to warranties, some pre-finished wood manufacturers give you a 40-50-year warranty on their hardwood flooring designs. If you practice the regular maintenance and care guidelines, your flooring will even last longer than that. For engineered wood finishes, the warranties usually range between 10-30 years.  

How do you maintain hardwood floors?

You maintain your hardwood flooring by keeping dirt off its surfaces. You must also prevent moisture from getting to wood surfaces. Keep your hardwood flooring away from the direct rays of the sun. 

Ensure you keep to the manufacturer’s usage guidelines. Avoid scratching wood surfaces too. When you practice these guidelines, you prevent your wood flooring from ageing quickly.

Where do you install hardwood floors?

You can install your hardwood floors anywhere in your home. However, ensure that you don’t install it in areas prone to extended solar radiation. Also, avoid installing in areas with high humidity. These conditions reduce the lifespan of your hardwood flooring. 

When is the Best time to replace hardwood flooring?

When you begin to notice excessive scratching on your wood surfaces, moist surfaces, among other signs, you know it is time to replace your flooring.  


In this article, you have become aware of the tell-tale signs it’s time to replace hardwood flooring. You also have more information regarding how to care for and maintain your flooring. Regularly practicing these maintenance tips will ensure your flooring lasts longer. 

You also learned about the cost of hardwood flooring. When you buy hardwood flooring in Canada, ensure you buy from only trusted manufacturers. Doing this enables you to buy floors of the highest quality. You don’t just buy the best floors, but do so at affordable prices. 

If you need help with buying the best hardwood flooring for your home or office, check out our online store for hardwood flooring. Here at LV Flooring, you will find only the best quality hardwood floors that match your taste and needs. 

Our unique floor designs are affordable as we offer the best price you can get anywhere. Visit our stores today. Give your space the lift it designers. 

Related article: What is the Best Way to Install Hardwood Floors?

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