Hardwood flooring Archives - Page 4 of 4 - LV Hardwood Flooring Toronto


Many Toronto homeowners who use hardwood flooring worry about their furry pets damaging their floors. This is especially of people who have large and active dogs. While this fear is not unfounded, it does not mean the end for your pet or your floor. All you need are some hardwood flooring maintenance tips, specifically for...


With the knowledge of hardwood floor colour trends, you can get the insight necessary to design your home perfectly. Hardwood has long been a top flooring choice for homeowners, fighting off carpets on its way up. Thanks to its ever-trendy look and colourful options, more people now see it in this light.  But if you’re...


Hardwood floors are great. They’re easy to maintain, and they give your home a vintage feel no other type of flooring can offer. However, they get more fragile with age and tend to protest whenever you step carelessly. To combat that noise, you’re going to have to learn a few tips for fixing squeaky hardwood...


There are several queries on how to refinish hardwood floors. For most people, the task of keeping their hardwood floors looking new can be a mystery. Hence this guide explores all you need to do. It is commonplace for hardwood floors to have scratches. But the ease with which you can repair them is one...


Finding the best way to install hardwood floors may seem like a simple task. Yet, it’s an important one when you’re renovating or building your house. And this is because it can be the difference between satisfaction and regret.  Yes, you’ve chosen your preferred floor type and even the kind of finish that you prefer. Still, you...


Whether you own engineered, solid or reclaimed wood flooring, maintaining it should be at the top of your priorities. Thankfully, the process remains the same regardless of the type of hardwood flooring. Furthermore, the importance of cleaning your hardwood flooring cannot be understated. The solid construction and natural resilience of wood mean that this flooring...


In Toronto, hardwood flooring is one of the building features that most buyers look out for when buying a home. However, if it doesn’t come with your home or commercial building, the next best thing is to have it installed. With proper installation, you too can enjoy the many benefits of hardwood flooring.  However, despite...