Cheap Paneling for Walls vs. Expensive Paneling for Walls

November 16, 2022by Harper0

Wall paneling is the process of installing panels over walls for decorative and functional reasons. The wall panels can conceal wirework running around the house. The wall panels can also create insulation for your home, particularly if you have stone walls.

However, when installing these wall panels, wooden or otherwise, is it worth buying the expensive ones? This article will discuss the pros and cons of using costly and cheap wall paneling.

Typically, you might be considering going for a cheap wall panel. However, we strongly advise that you think about it. Despite the initial lower price of cheaper wall panels, it may cost you in other ways.

Cheap Wall Paneling

Let’s start with whether you should install cheap paneling. As you will see, there are specific pros to using cheap wall paneling. Eventually, it’s up to you to decide whether to stick with the more inexpensive wall paneling.

Advantages of Cheap Wall Paneling

Let’s look at some advantages of purchasing and using cheap wall paneling.


The most significant and evident advantage of cheap wall paneling is its price. The cheap wall paneling is highly affordable and can be bought without breaking the bank.

Moreover, regardless of the quality, wall paneling will do its intended job. Hence, even if you buy cheap wall paneling, you’ll be getting the expected functionality of the panels.


Another point in the cheap vs. expensive wall paneling debate is availability. Metaphorically, you could throw a stone and hit ten shops selling cheap wall paneling. If you’re moving into a new home and need to set up wall paneling quickly, you can settle for the more affordable alternative.

You won’t have to delay your interior decorator when setting up your home. You’ll be able to get cheap wall paneling for your bathroom walls easily. Therefore, with cheap wall paneling, you are guaranteed quantity.

Disadvantages of Cheap Wall Paneling

We’ve gone over the pros; now, let’s look at the cons of cheap wall paneling. We hope you change your mind when you see the disadvantages of buying wall paneling of a more affordable variety.

Unappealing Appearance

The end result isn’t always great, despite getting the cheap wall paneling on time and for a low price. The inferior wall paneling doesn’t age very well. The outlook of the wall panels will fade quickly.

Hence, the cheap wall paneling can become hideous and unattractive to guests. You may even have to paint over the fading wall panel repeatedly.

Poor Performance

When you install cheap wooden wall panels, you can expect to see cracks and fissures soon enough. The materials of cheap wall paneling don’t last very long. The integrity of the wall panels will fail quickly and lead to a swift replacement.

False Economy

Despite the affordability of cheaper wall paneling, you’ll be spending more in the long run. You may think you are saving money, but you’ll be spending more money on buying cheaper paneling.

Therefore, you’ll find yourself constantly buying wall paneling to replace the failing ones. Eventually, you’ll discover that the money you’ve spent buying cheaper wall paneling may exceed an expensive one.

Bad Installation

As we look at the cheap vs. expensive wall paneling debate, another disadvantage of using the former is its installation. Due to the inexpensive nature of the product, you’ll mostly find a lack of instructions for installation.

Therefore, you’ll have to improvise during installation with cheap wall paneling. So, you may end up placing the cheap wall paneling wrongly, which will affect its longevity. Hence, you may waste energy and time having to readjust the cheap wall paneling.

wall paneling cheap

Expensive Wall Paneling

You ensure your home gets the best when you buy quality wall paneling. Your home doesn’t have to suffer from mediocre wall paneling. You can give your home an excellent outlook.

This section will discuss the pros and cons of expensive wall paneling. Ultimately, we’ll show you why expensive wall paneling is worth it.

Advantages of Expensive Wall Paneling

First, let’s look at the benefits of going for expensive wall paneling over the cheaper alternative.

Quality Performance

One of the main advantages of expensive wall paneling is that you’ll be getting value for your money. The expensive wall panels have incredible longevity.

You’ll also find that the integrity of the wall paneling is highly sustainable. Therefore, the expensive wall paneling won’t warp easily in the presence of moisture and stress.

Aesthetically Pleasing Appearance

One thing you can be absolutely sure about with expensive wall paneling is its appearance. The costly wall paneling is attractive and alluring to the eyes.

Additionally, the appeasing appearance improves the resale value of your home. Realtors and house hunters will be looking to buy your home, which makes expensive wall paneling worth it. So, you can look at the costly wall paneling as a long-term investment.

Effective Installation

The ease of installation is another fantastic advantage of expensive wall paneling. You’ll find that when you purchase quality wall paneling, you’ll have access to a simple installation guide.

You can rest easy knowing that it will stay put once you install the wall paneling. You won’t spend extra time or energy correcting and readjusting the wall panels.

Disadvantages of Expensive Wall Panelling

As great as expensive wall paneling can be, it’s not perfect. There are a few disadvantages to buying wall paneling of high quality.

Costly Purchase

The most apparent detractor to buying expensive wall paneling is the price. The price of these costly wall panels can set you back a bit. Despite the longevity of the expensive wall panels, you’ll have to cough up a considerable amount of money first.

Selective Availability

Due to the higher demand for cheaper wall paneling, you may find it difficult to purchase expensive wall paneling. It may take a while before you can get your hands on quality wall paneling, which can delay your installation process.

However, we advise that you exercise patience when searching for wall paneling. Despite the selective availability of expensive wall paneling, it will be worth the wait.

expensive wall paneling


Wall paneling is an integral part of home decoration and construction. The wall panels will beautify your home and elevate its appeal. However, don’t settle for cheaper wall paneling. Regardless of how expensive quality wall paneling is, always go for it instead.

Have you been searching for quality wall paneling for some time now? Well, your search is now over. You can check out LV Flooring’s catalogue of wall paneling in different aesthetic designs. It’s time to adorn your home with quality wall paneling today.

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