How Much Does Hardwood Flooring Refinishing Cost in 2020?

November 18, 2020by LV Flooring0

The cost of refinishing hardwood floors has changed. Especially in 2020, where the whole economic landscape has changed. The advent of the coronavirus pandemic, amongst other issues, play a significant role in what we see in today’s economy. The cost of materials, production, transportation, etc. has gone up, and it’s not looking to drop anytime soon.

With the year coming to an end and the growing need for refinishing hardwood floors, knowing the cost is important. Holidays are closer, and you are looking to make your home ready for friends and family visiting. 

One thing you should know is, the prices are different from last year’s. They are significantly higher. Hence, you should be ready to place a hefty budget on expertly done projects.

Of course, there are always affordable options, and this article also explores those. There are so many things to consider when planning to renovate your floors. It takes a whole lot more than money. 

From deciding on which floor to get to who to employ and just how to get your home ready, it’s a lot. You need to be prepared to pull through. Once you can complete the refinishing, you’ll undoubtedly love what you see.

What is Hardwood Floor Refinishing?

The designs of hardwood floors are such that they last longer. However, with time, they will begin to show scratches. They become dull and obviously in need of renovations. This is possible because these floors can make a comeback. 

They are unlike other flooring options that have just a single usage cycle. When they get old and look dull, they can look as good as new again if you spend some cash. This is why these floors are so popular today.

The refinishing process can be easy and can also be technical. You can do it yourself or you can choose to get professional hardwood floor refinishing in Canada. More often than not, it’s best to call for a professional. They have more insight than you will and can quickly spot problems you won’t. 

The process involved in the refinishing of hardwood ranges from preparing the floor to sanding, cleaning, and applying the finish. These processes add up to the cost of refinishing hardwood floors. 

Why You Should Refinish Your Hardwood Flooring

This section will help you note the things you should note when it comes to your hardwood floor. When you notice any of these, you should refinish your hardwood floor.



Scratches are one of the main indicators that it’s time to refinish your floor. Hardwood floors are prone to scratches. However, when they become too many, they disfigure the floor. If you leave them untouched, your floor can as well be on the road to permanent damage. This makes things beyond the scope of refinishing hardwood floors.

If you are using darker stains on your floor, the scratches will be more apparent. Once they begin to accumulate, it’s time to sand the floor. You can get rid of scratches just by sanding, but it wears off the stains. Hence, you need to stain the floor again, which is the whole process of refinishing.

There are also more significant forms of scratches that affect hardwood floors. These are l dents, holes, and gouges. They make the floor look bad. Once you notice this, it’s time to refinish your floor.

Some boards turn gray

The colour change is always common with hardwood floors, especially if there is frequent exposure to water. When you notice your hardwood flooring boards are turning gray, it’s time to refinish your hardwood floors. 

If you don’t pay the cost of refinishing hardwood floors on time, you may have to spend more on buying new ones. The gray colour indicates that the stains are wearing off, and the floor is taking in more water.

The common sources of water in this case are; snow, rain, spilled drinks, etc. Watch out for these side effects.


Exposure to the sun can also result in the need for professional hardwood floor refinishing in Canada. Continuous exposure to the sun makes stains on your floor fade. Hence, you are left with a discoloured and unhealthy looking floor.

This is more common in areas around the windows. If your floor is covered in rugs, you should remove them frequently to check. 

They are visible when you have nothing on the floor. This leaves your floor with varying shades. If you attend to things quickly, the cost of refinishing hardwood floors, in this case, is minimal.

Related article: What is Engineered Hardwood?: Features, Advantages, Cost

Advantages of Refinishing Hardwood Flooring

Many persons ask if the cost of hardwood floor refinishing is worth it. The simple answer to this is “yes.” There are several advantages that come with refinishing. Some of them include;

Getting a beautiful floor

Have you ever visited the house of a friend after a long time, and it seems the hardwood floor got newer? That’s refinishing in play. When you refinish your hardwood floor, the overall appearance improves. It looks as though it’s new, again. 

Also, it makes every other renovation you do in your space come out better. If you are getting new blinds or getting a new set of furniture, you need to complement it by renovating the floor.

It saves you money

While hardwood flooring refinishing costs in 2020 may seem high, it’s lower than if you wait till you have to change the whole floor. Spending on maintenance is always lower than having to replace them. 

Once you refinish the floor, you spend even lower on subsequent care. The floor technically becomes newer.

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It improves your home’s value.

Refinishing Hardwood Flooring

When someone comes into your home and sees a great floor, they place more value on it. This value may seem arbitrary, but it’s the same as they will have if your home is located in the town’s elite area. 

The same goes for when you are actually planning to sell the home. Getting the floor to look newer makes the value higher. This makes it worth more when you are negotiating with potential buyers. You get to sell the property faster, as the buyer has less renovation to do on the home.


Damaged floors look really bad. However, they aren’t limited to that. Bad floors pose a health risk. Issues like splintering can lead to a foot injury. But once you complete the refinishing, you can avoid any possible injuries and safety hazards.

Elimination of pests.

Pests lurk in damaged floors, and also pose health risks. Pests that can take advantage of the bad flooring are termites and others that thrive around decay. Refinishing the floor prevents the breeding of these pets. If there is any that’s already living in your floors, refinishing will also get rid of them.

Types of Hardwood Flooring Finishing

To know the overall cost of refinishing hardwood floors, you need to know the refinishing coat you want. There are various types to choose from, each with its pros and cons.

Water-based polyurethane

The water-based polyurethane will look like milk in a can. It is a preferred option by most homeowners, as it is a very durable finish product and also resists moisture. Also, the presence of this finish on floors also makes maintenance easy. 

This finish is also very environmentally friendly, as it releases very low organic compounds, unlike their counterparts. Also, when applying them, you don’t stand exposure to unpleasant odours. 

Oil-based polyurethane

Oil-based polyurethane

This is made of linseed oil, synthetic resins, and plasticizers. It is a very strong stain, and very durable. This makes it common for use in high traffic areas of the home. It is also very easy to maintain. 

You only need to sweep or vacuum it. It, however, has a yellow tint to it and can get darker-yellow with time. This makes it appear very rich, warm, and cool looking.

Moisture-cure urethane

These stains were originally made to be used for bowling alleys. They are tough and very durable, as it shines upon drying. It is also known to resist moisture, scratches, stains, and general wear and tear. It always turns out beautiful, but its application is more of a hassle. If you go for this, it will increase the cost of refinishing hardwood floors in your home. 


When you need a low-sheen finish in any part of your home, this is the finish to go for. This finish is very easy to apply and touch-up. It is still a popular option at home, though better options have been produced. It’s not the best finish, as it is still prone to damage from water, forming white marks. It can get scratched easily too. 


This is a natural and sustainable product, which is easy to repair and touch up. However, it is a very flammable finish. Also, when applying it, it’s bound to leave lap lines. It’s not the best hardwood refinishing product for the home. 


Penetrating Oil Sealer

This finished product is designed for creating a low-shine finish that highlights the grain of the wood. It is a natural product, and they are easy to apply. They are also a popular product, especially in the 1960s. This finish always results in a very lovely appearance. However, they don’t perform well in places with high traffic.

Other non-common finishes are the; acid-cured finish and aluminum oxide finish. The latter is commonly used in areas with high traffic. They are also very good for places you want to protect from wear and tear.

What is the Cost of Refinishing Hardwood Floors in Canada?

The cost of refinishing hardwood floors in Canada ranges between $2100 and $5000. You need to hire a professional for this. Beyond the technicalities of the planning and execution, the beauty of the floor also matters. You are most likely not going to get it right when applying the finish.  

The cost of refinishing hardwood floors has some influencing factors. These factors determine if the total cost you’ll incur will be high or not. These are;

  • Preparations: The scope of preparation you need to do is important. Some preparation may require you to get extra hands. This comes at a cost between $30 and $70.
  • Repairs: While preparing for refinishing, some repairs are important. This may cost you between $25 and $500.
  • Size of the space: The bigger space you want to refinish, the costlier it gets. Per square foot, refinishing may cost you between $1.50 and $10.
  • Quality of the original finish: How well the old finishing was done is also important. If it was not done well, the removal process will be tedious.
  • Wax removal: The removal of wax costs between $150 and $400 based on the size of the space
  • Colour of the stain you choose: Another influencing factor is the stain you choose. The stains come in different quality and from other manufacturers. Hence, you must outsource the project to an expert. You will get professional advice that can help you minimize cost and maximize value.
  • Stairs: If there are stairs in your home, the 2020 refinishing hardwood flooring costs will be higher. It may be as high as $100 per step.
  • Cleanup: Depending on the scale of the project, cleanup can be cheap or costly. You should talk to the contractors ahead of time. 

Final Take

It will help if you refinished your hardwood floor at least once a decade, irrespective of the cost. This allows the floor to last longer while staying appealing. Is the cost of hardwood floor refinishing worth it? Absolutely yes. It makes you feel as though you are in a new home. 

It’s an exciting move for the house, but you should take your time, plan. Invite a professional, and examine what your budget can cover.

2020 is such a peculiar year, the economy is technically just recovering from the pandemic. So, you should expect that things are not as cheap as last year. Here at LV Flooring, we can make it easy on you. We offer affordable, high-quality hardwood refinishing services. Speak to any one of our experts today!

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